Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Here at Perform HR we are hugely passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) and deliver all of our services with this in mind. 

An inclusive workplace is one where everyone feels valued at work. This leads to more motivated and creative workforce with high rates of employee retention and better business results overall.

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    What is equality in the workplace?

    Equality in the workplace refers to equal job opportunities and fairness, whilst diversity considers the inclusion, involvement and diverse needs of individuals in your workplace. Everything from social, economic, cultural and regional factors and much more. Championing equality and diversity in your workplace only helps to avoid grievance and legal issues.

    What we can do to help

    Perform HR offer a variety of services and strategies including an initial evaluation of your current levels of inclusivity, diversity and equality within your business. We can then offer workable solutions including bespoke ED&I coaching, tailoring a plan that will work in the best way for your company and its employees.

    Examples of the equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) services we offer are:

    At the very least, every organisation should produce and provide the following policies:

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